American, Handmade, Porcelain
Fresh, quick, healthy.
Alliteration. One of my favorite literary devices as in; "Sally sells seashell dishes by the seashore".
Or as in today's, "Quick Kale Chicken in a Clam Shell Bowl".
And it truly was quick, quick. Like 10.5 minutes quick. Start with a tablespoon of olive oil and dash of garlic powder on medium heat in an open ceramic lined skillet. When bubbly, pop open and toss in half a bag of shredded broccolini salad (shredded vegetable salad). Then toss in sliced and diced fresh green bell peppers, and a cup of fresh kale and you're off to the races.
Drop in two previously prepared grilled chicken breasts (I like to grill up chicken breasts on my Traeger Grill and keep them in the freezer for occasions like this.)
Make a "nest" in the middle of the veggies. Place the chicken breasts directly on the bottom of the pan. Cover the pan and cook on medium heat a couple of minutes until warm. Then plate the veggies and place the chicken on top of our handmade porcelain Clam Shell Bowls.
Simmer, quickly, serve.
Garnish a few feta or gorgonzola crumbs and a few slivers of red bell peppers over the chicken, followed by a teaspoon of your favorite Italian dressing and serve it hot, juicy, and delicious.
The slight earthy saltiness of the kale works great with sweetness of the green pepper, and the lid on the skillet infuses the chicken with steam and kale juice - and it's really tasty!
So begins our 30 day stealth-health food challenge. He says, "I hope every meal this coming month is this yummy!"
What he doesn't know won't hurt him :-)
Tasty, beautiful, quick. (Photography tutorials offered by Pinch of Yum - see ad at right)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 dash garlic powder
2 cups shredded vegetable salad
1 cup fresh kale
1/4 large green bell pepper - diced
1 tablespoon slivered red bell pepper
1 teaspoon crumbled feta cheese
1 teaspoon italian dressing
8 oz grilled chicken breast