White porcelain teacup on blue background
With a new 50mm portraiture lens and some training, we're literally seeing our porcelain teacups (and all of our other porcelain serveware) in a brand new light.
Photography Training
Jan and I desire to be ever learning, ever growing, and ever trying to find better ways to express the beauty and artistry of our work. To that end, we've signed up for a series of classes on photography (thank you FoodBloggerPro and Tasty Food Photography e-book) and in the coming posts we hope you'll see some of our "ever learning" bearing some artistic fruit!
Seahorse and Sea Urchin porcelain Teacup in morning light. Click image to enlarge.
Seeing Porcelain Designs Anew
All these years we've had a DSLR camera and put it on "auto" and hoped for good results. And sometimes we achieved good photos, but only by accident. Its somewhat amazing what a basic photography class can teach you, and our first set of lessons had to do with "depth of field" and "aperture" settings. And already on the first day, we're seeing better results and perhaps more importantly, more control, over our principal method of communicating with you via our photo's.
Porcelain Teacups in a "Scrape" of Light
At about 9:30 this morning with natural light streaming in from our studio's wall of windows, I photographed our Seahorse and Sea Urchin porcelain teacup and was so pleased to see this design in a new light. The "scrape" of light (as our instructor calls it) coming across each sea urchin dimple and every scale of the seahorse's armor highlights our sculptural artistry. The precision that we were able to capture from Creation and present in a new way in our soft glossy white porcelain comes alive in new light with our new tools.
Feeling is Seeing
Our Seahorse and Sea Urchin Teacup is captured in porcelain in a way that lets you feel the exquisite texture of Creation to go along with the smooth taste inside every cup of tea that our teacups offer up each day.
We think a cup of tea should be more than a taste - it should be a feeling. A feeling both in fact and in thought. Our Seahorse and Sea Urchin Teacup is offered for purchase and you may see additional photo's and learn more about this design on its store listing page.
What do you think?
Bon appetit!
Jay & Jan